Tommy, our animated character, will teach your child a number of subjects through engaging games. He will guide your child through the process of gradually learning while playing and having fun.
Our friendly character is a genious in disguise. He uses a computing technique called "Adaptive Algorithm" to decide the best way to teach. While your child is playing, Tommy is thinking about ways to make learning easier.
Adaptive algorithms are software techniques used in computer programs to find solutions for difficult problems. It's one of the tools in something you've heard about in the movies: Artificial Intelligence
Every kid is different. A real human teacher learns how to adjust her teaching style to each kid in order to get better results. Tommy uses adaptive algorithms to learn about how your kid is learning and then make small adjustments to the teaching approach over time. The end result is that your kid should learn faster, better and have more fun doing so.
Tommy is not a robot. Well, maybe he used to be. Now he has a personality. He is funny, supportive and patient. He makes it a point to provide feedback and encourages your child to play and make gains through constant praise.
Tommy is smart. In the background he is watching how your child is learning and constantly adjusts the teaching sequence in order to ensure full command of the subject.
Our app has been used in school settings with great results. Tommy is fun to play with. Kids learn while they enjoy interacting with him.
As an example, Tommy will initially teach in small groupings and not move forward until that small group is fully learned. He is stubborn. If the small group of items he offers-up is not learned, he will not advance. And, you can bet he will check how much your kid learned through engaging quizzes.
And he is clever. Quizzes focus on areas where the child had problems rather than re-teaching what he or she already knows.
As your child learns, the level of difficulty increases in order to fully test what he or she learned. If problems are found, those items are re-taught and the cycle repeats.
Tommy simulates how a patient teacher might teach a subject: Rather than simple sequential repetition, the teacher --in this case Tommy-- will observe how learning is progressing and adjust to focus on the areas that might need reinforcement.
Of course, Tommy is also up for some fun. Touching Tommy will produce reactions that are fun and engaging. It's all about making the learning process as much fun and entertaining as possible. If you have the app, go-ahead, poke him in the nose and see.
We created Tommy precisely because of being utterly frustrated with what apps were available for our own kids. Even for adults, constant repetition isn't the best way to learn. A real teacher would quickly recognize if, for example, your child knows the first ten letters of the alphabet but has problems with the next four. She would then re-double efforts in the problem areas rather than force your child to mindlessly repeat what she already knows. Kids also need lots of praise, fun and encouragement to remain engaged. Teachers know this. Tommy knows this!
Our goal in creating Tommy Teaches is to help you advance your boy or girl through early learning stages with a solid foundation while making it fun. Please let us know how we are doing.
We need your help. Let your friends and family know about Tommy Teaches. Let your school's teachers and principal know. Post a link on Facebook and Twitter. Tommy is bent on world domination, but we think it is for a good cause.
We want to know what you think about Tommy Teaches. That's why we made it super-easy to get in touch with us right from the app. If you have any Tommy Teaches app installed, simply go to the settings screen (the little gear on the lower-right) and use "Provide Feedback" to get in touch with us.